Ball Valve Flanged & Threaded End & T C End Ball Valve
Manual Hand Lever Operated Ball Valve / Pneumatic Rotary Actuator Operated Ball Valve / ROV / Electrical Actuator Operated ball Valve /Gear Operated Ball Valve / Exteneded Bonnet Ball Valve / High Pressure Ball Valve / Forged Steel Ball valve
Single / Two / Three Piece Design, Full Bore / Regular (Reduce) Bore Two Way, Floating / Trunnion Mounted
In addition to On/Off application, Ball Valves can be used to modulate flow. A ball valve is a one type of quarter turn valve, is quite literally a ball placed in a passageway through which fluid flows. The ball has a hole through it, by which the valve opens and closes.When the ball is positioned so that the hole runs the same direction as the passageway, the fluid simply flows through the hole, and the valve is open. However, when the ball is positioned so that the hole is perpendicular to the passageway, the fluid cannot pass through, and the valve is closed.The ball is controlled from outside the valve, often with a handle that is turned 90 degrees, or a quarter turn, back and forth to open and close the valve. 90 Degree ball operate by the help of stem which connected with ball and stem connected with hand lever. In place of Lever also can be connect Pneumatic Actuator or Electrical Actuator for automation and remote operated.
Above brief Ball Valve is a basic two-way valve. This ball valve has a single, straight passageway bored through the ball, making two openings: one on each side, an inlet and an outlet.A ball valve can also be a three-way valve if a third hole is bored partially through the ball, until it meets the main hole,
in a shape T or L. A three-way ball valve can shut off one or all of the three passageways it connects. Four Way Ball Valve also used with Double L/X Port for Air/Co2/Nitrogen/Gas Dryer application. Fire Safe Design 2 Way / 3 Way / 4 Way Ball also used in Oil & Gas Sector. Ball Valve is also called as Tight Shut off, Bi-Directional Valve. As the temperature increases, the pressure capability decreases. PTFE loses strength in higher temperatures. The Ball Valves have PTFE Seats, Seals & Gland Packing and the temperature withstand capacity of GFT is maximum up to 225 Deg. C. Ball Valves are available with Full Port & Regular (Reduce) Port. A full port ball valve offers no flow restriction, which means that when the ball valve is open, the liquid can flow freely through it. This is achieved by making the ball larger than the passage size, so that the hole bored through it can be the same size as the passage. A standard port ball valve does not have an over sized ball, and as a result the hole is one size smaller than the passageway. This presents a small amount of flow restriction as the fluid passes through the ball valve. A reduced port ball valve, on the other hand, has an even smaller ball and an even smaller hole, which creates significant flow restriction as the fluid passes through the valve. All PTFE / Soft seated ball valve give Zero Leakage.
Floating / Trunion Mounted Ball Valve
Jupiter Controls Valve both Floating & Trunnion Mounted Ball Valves. In the floating ball design, where sealing takes place by allowing the Ball under pressure to move towards the downstream seat to effect tight seal. For higher sizes and pressure ratings Trunnion mounted ball valves are preferred by industry. Floating Ball Valve up to 6" x 150# & 4" x 300# above size all valve we do provide Trunnion Mounted Design Ball Valve.
We are also Ball Valves with Electro-Pneumatic Rotary Quarter Turn Actuator Operated, Single Acting Spring Return Actuator Operated Steel Ball Valve, Double Acting Pneumatic Acuated Ball Valve, Electrical Actuator operated Ball Valve, Remoted Actuated Ball Valve, Motorized Ball Valve, High Pressure Ball Valve Manufacturers, Forged High Pressure Ball Valve suitable for pressure up to 10000 psig.
Our range covers pneumatic actuated ball valve with Limit Switches for visual On/Off Indication and PLC feed back along with Solenoid Valve, Air Filter Regulator, Relay, Silencer, Valve Positioners. Ball Control Valves and supplying V Notch Ball Control Valve along with accessries Pneumatic Type Valve Positioner, Electro-Pneumatic Type Valve Positioner, Smart Positioner with HART, Air Filter Regulator, Limit Switches, Solenoid Valve with Manual Override to operate valve in case of failure of electrical or pneumatic. Gear Actuator Operated Ball Valve, Manual Overrided Actuator Operated Ball Valves manufacture on order basis
Material of Construction
Body / Insert
Cast Carbon Steel to ASTM A 216 GR. WCB & Stainless Steel to ASTM A 351 GR. CF 8 / CF8M / CF3 / CF3M
Ball :
Stainless Steel to ASTM A 351 GR. CF 8 / 8M / 3 / 3M & Hast Alloy B / C ASTM A 351 GR. CN 7M (Alloy 20)
AISI 410 (S.S. 410 13% Cr. Steel) , AISI 304 (S.S. 304) , AISI 316 (S.S. 316) , AISI 304L (S.S. 304L) , AISI 316L (S.S. 316L) , Hast Alloy B / C , Alloy 20
Ball Seat / Gland Seal / Stem Seal:
P.T.F.E. Virgin , P.T.F.E. Glass Filled , P.T.F.E. Carbon Filled , Grafoil
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Ball Valve Flanged & Threaded End Dealer in Himachal Pradesh , Ball Valve Flanged & Threaded End Dealer in Rajasthan , Electric actuator operated valves: , Electric actuator operated 2-way 3-piece design ball valve , Electric actuator operated 2-way 2-piece design ball valve
Electric actuator operated high pressure ball valve , Electric actuator operated wafer type ball valve , Electric actuator operated 3-way / 4-way / 5-way ball valve , Electric actuator operated UPVC ball valve , Pneumatic actuator operated valves:
Pneumatic actuator operated 2-way 3-piece design ball valve , Pneumatic actuator operated 2-way 2-piece design ball valve , Pneumatic actuator operated high pressure ball valve , Pneumatic actuator operated wafer type ball valve
Pneumatic actuator operated 3-way / 4-way / 5-way ball valve , Pneumatic actuator operated UPVC ball valve , BALL VALVES , 2-Way 3 Piece Design Ball Valve , 2 Way 2 Piece Design Ball Valve , High Pressure Ball Valve , Wafer Type Ball Valve
3-Way / 4-Way / 5-Way Ball Valve , UPVC Ball Valve , Flanged Ball Valves, Ball Valve Flange End, Three Piece Flanged End Ball Valve, Manual Ball Valve Flanged End, FEP PFA Lined Flanged End Ball Valve, PP Flange Ball Valve, Three Piece Flanged Ball Valves, Flange Type Ball Valve, Cast Iron Ball Valve Flanged, SAP CF M PC Flanged Ends Full Bore Ball Valve A S A, Qinn Inch Flanged End Ball Valve Q, Single Piece Design Flanged End Ball Valve, PP Flanged Ball Valve, PP Ball Valve Flanged, Ball Valve Flanged Ends, Ball End, Cast Steel Stainless Steel pc pc Ball Valve, Way pc pc pc Flanged End Ball Valve
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Gear operated Ball Valve Supplier Pneumatic Ball Valve Stockiest
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We also manufacuring Ball Valves with Electro-Pneumatic Rotary Quarter Turn Actuator Operated, Single Acting Spring Return Actuator Operated Steel Ball Valve, Double Acting Pneumatic Acuated Ball Valve, Electrical Actuator operated Ball Valve, Remoted Actuated Ball Valve, Motorized Ball Valve, High Pressure Ball Valve Manufacturers, Forged High Pressure Ball Valve suitable for pressure up to 10000 psig. We are also supplying pneumatic actuated ball valve with Limit Switches for visual On/Off Indication and PLC feedback along with Solenoid Valve, Air Filter Regulator, Relay, Silencer, Valve Positioners. Ball Control Valves and supplying V Notch Ball Control Valve along with accessries Pneumatic Type Valve Positioner, Electro-Pneumatic Type Valve Positioner, Smart Positioner with HART, Air Filter Regulator, Limit Switches, Solenoid Valve with Manual Override to operate valve in case of failure of electrical or pneumatic. Our range also coverers a Gear Operated Ball Valve, Gear Actuated Ball Valve, Manual Overrided Actuator Operated Ball Valves.